What is the tallest mountain peak in India? What is the second highest mountain peak in India?
BestIndianTreks.com Latest Questions
I want to visit Elephanta Caves. Where are the Elephanta caves located in Mumbai?
Is it safe to go on K2S night trek alone?
When is Sinhagad Fort open?
Are we allow to go for trekking ?
I heard that we need to pay few bucks at the start of the Lohagad trek. Is this true?
The Eastern Ghats are a discontinued mountain range along the eastern coast of India. So which is the highest peak in the Eastern Ghats of India?
I live in Mumbai. I want to go for a trek after this lockdown. But I am not quite sure about the good trekking places near Mumbai. Please tell me some of the best one-day treks near Mumbai city.