Konkan name is widely used for the western side of Maharashtra. Is it specifically for Maharashtra’s side? Which side is Konkan exactly?
BestIndianTreks.com Latest Questions
Which region in India is recognised as Konkan? Please tell me about Konkan in short. Where is start and end?
What is the base village for Konkan kada trek. How to go to Konkan Kada?
When should someone go for a Kokankada trek? Tell me the best time to visit the kokankada trek.
Please share an interesting history of kokankada. Are there any historical or latest stories about kokankada?
Is there any story or meaning behind the name Kokankada? OR the name is just telling what it is exactly?
This is an offbeat question, but is there any name for konkan in english?
Kokankada is overhang structure on Harishchandragad, right? What is the difficulty level of kokankada trek?
Can the Kokankada trek can be covered in a one day trek because of its high height? Can you tell the best time to go for Kokankada Trek?
I have heard so much and seen Kokankada videos on every traveller’s account. Why is Kokankada famous in maharashtra for trekking?